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dc.contributor.authorQuispe Bonilla, Max David
dc.contributor.authorBenavidez Caballero, Freddy Gianfranco
dc.contributor.authorSauri Ibañez, Roberth Andre
dc.contributor.authorBengoechea Irañeta, José Javier
dc.contributor.authorQuispe Peña, Edgar Carlos
dc.description.abstractNew equipment was designed and developed to evaluate the physical characteristics of animal fibres, based on an automatic digital analysis system (ADAS) that allows the capture of a series of real-time images. In the development of the mechanical component, a design tool was used that allows visualization, simulation, and documentation of the product. At the same time, an Atmel (ATmega328) microcontroller was programmed to enable displacement of table coordinates, focus of images, and reading of the temperature and humidity of fibre samples and the environment. The fibre images were processed using artificial vision technology. Algorithms were also developed for edge detection to define the diameter of the fibre in pixels. Finally, calibration was carried out using a regression and standardized samples of wool tops. The authors then weighted the pixels to μm with a standard sample. A friendly graphical interface was developed for management of the built equipment, visualization of results, calibration, data and graphic export, configuration, among others. For validation, average fibre diameter (AFD), standard deviation (SD), coefficient of variation and comfort factor (CF) were compared with values of top wool patterns. Finally, the measurements of OFDA 2000 and FIBER-EC were compared using student t-test and Pearson correlation. The results of the validation showed that the confidence limit of FIBER-EC, which varied between 0.075 and 3.47 μm, is similar to that of the confidence limit of Sirolan Laserscan and OFDA 2000. Accuracy is better than the OFDA 2000 for fibre assessments less than 25 μm, which vary between 0.034 and 0.250 μm.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipFONDECYT de CONCYTEC mediante contrato N° 279-2015-FONDECYT-DE.es_ES
dc.publisherUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de Chotaes_ES
dc.relation.uriSouth African Journal of Animal Science 2017, 47 (No. 6)es_ES
dc.subjectIngeniería Eléctrica y Electrónicaes_ES
dc.titleDevelopment and preliminary validation of an automatic digital analysis system for animal fibre analysises_ES
dc.identifier.journalSouth African Journal of Animal Sciencees_ES
dc.description.peer-reviewPor pareses_ES

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